Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Sun is Shining and The Tulips are Smiling.......

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted any news. It's been hot here....a few days of 90+ degrees, and that's pretty hot for the first few weeks of spring, but it cooled off yesterday. I finished the sun and the rays a couple of weeks ago. We got them stained and sealed. I think it turned out pretty good.

Sorry about the lighting....not a great shot but the only one I have at the time.

The past couple of weeks I've been really busy trying to get our other back yard ready for planting. Before I could really do any work on it I had to cut the fence so I could get my tractor back there to dig up some stumps of the trees I had to cut down. Before you yell at me for cutting trees let me explain....two of them were elm tree shoots that came up off an old elm tree root that never quite died, one was a mulberry tree and I'm not talking about a fruitless mulberry. This thing made a big mess and we wanted to get rid of it before it got so large it would be really hard to cut it down. The other one was an old tree we'd cut down a few years ago but wouldn't die and it kept sprouting up suckers everywhere.

Below, that's me cutting the fence...

Big elm tree stump in the background is one I have to dig up.

Yep, I'm wearing a helmet. It was soooooo dusty and I've tried to wear dust masks, but that only makes my glasses fog up. So, I had the bright idea of wearing my helmet that I use when I ride my 4 wheeler. And yes, that is a wash rag on the bottom of my face shield. I put some velcro at the bottom and sewed the other half of the velcro onto the wash rag to act as a dust mask when I rode...and it worked great! Viola!!!! I could use it when I cut the fence, because that masonry blade creates lots of dust.

Got that chore out of the way, but before I could dig up the stumps in the back part of the yard, I had to dig up one of the huge elm stumps that we'd cut down years ago. It was right next to the fence and most of it was pretty rotten but the roots that were grown next to the fence were really hard to get loose. I finally got it loose and got the stump out without knocking the fence down. It's a good thing because we'd just had new neighbors move in next door. That would have been a bad introduction if I'd have knocked the fence over. LOL

It took me a few days to get the stumps removed because I went back to work in the meantime. A friend of mine has been really busy and he needed some help watching one of the rigs so I helped out. We only had 2 wells to work on at the moment so it was only for a couple of weeks. Maybe there'll be more later...who knows?

But I got the stumps out, worked the ground and got some corn planted. Plan on planting some beans later on. I even planted some more flowers and we have tomatoes, and herbs started.

Wow! Don't know if I got the tulips and daffodils at the peak bloom, but maybe the pictures will give you an idea of how pretty they are/were. They came up really great and bloomed fantastic. I think most of them came up. There might have been a few that didn't make it but not many.

I'm retired again, so now it's time to get back in the groove and start getting other things done. I think #1 on my list is to get the shop cleaned up and some of the small projects done in there and then get back onto the Streamline. I also want to get started on my 41 Chevy COE. I have to get these done so we'll have to to play with them before we get too old. LOL

So, it's back to work in the shop.............

Until next time............



  1. The flowers are gorgeous and your rays look great. All your hardwork is paying off!
