Last Thursday it was fairly nice and I was getting ready to set a couple of posts for the cover that I'll put over the concrete I've been working on. I had hauled the posts and was getting them positioned in the back yard when a helper angel showed up. Robert Salmon, a friend, that lives up the street stopped by to help me mix and pour some cement. Boy, he couldn't have picked a better day (at least for me!!). The weather wasn't so great because the wind was blowing pretty hard. But, he was definitely a great help. Don't know if I would have been able to do it by myself. A big Thank You to Robert.
Below you can see the posts and the 6' x 18" curb we poured out from the greenhouse.
These pictures were taken Sunday after our little bit of bad weather Friday & Saturday. I poured the third ray in the middle, which you can see is still wet. The posts will be the mid supports for the roof cover we plan on putting over the concrete slab. Still lots to do!
I prepped the rest of the area yesterday (Sunday) afternoon so I could pour another ray today.
Recipe for Concrete:
Forms ready, mixer in place, sand & gravel ready. Portland Cement. Mix ingredients and add water. Easy.
Only problem they left out the labor part. I guess you'd say that's the hard part. But, gosh, it's been fun!
Next week I'll get busy on the inside of the shop and set the cabinets and more rearranging. Seems like the rearranging is a never ending job.
That's about all for now.
Until next time......